You can put money on the component that matters the most to you
Separate pre and power amplifiers allow for the mixing and matching of various manufacturers (personal preference)
Separates give an option to swap individual parts when there is a need to upgrade or if a part has gone bad and cannot be repaired
The integrated amplifier is better suited for limited space or small to mid-size room
Monoblocks, on the other hand, have separate transformers, power supply, capacitor bank and amplifier boards for left and right channels, providing better dynamic range, channel separation and lower noise floor
Benefits of Monoblock over Stereo amplifier are, no crosstalk (bleeding of left and right channels into each other) and great channel separation
People who pay attention to the details, image, separation, clarity and sound stage prefer Monoblock amplifiers
X – Left + Right + Center + Surrounds; Y – Subwoofers; Z – Atmos
If the watching or listening area is acoustically treated then due to reduction in room gain because of sound absorption and reduced reflections, higher power from the amplifier is required
On diving deep into AVR power specifications, it will be found that the claimed audio power output will be insufficient for great sound in a large acoustically treated room. This is mainly due to limitation in size of the transformers and capacitors used in order to keep the cost and size of the final product low
As a new design language of Home Theatre installations, engineers are going in with either a pure AV processor and installing Monoblocks / Power amplifiers with it for driving all the speakers or installing a high end AVR with preouts and installing 3 channel Monoblock / Power amplifier for driving LCRs. Surrounds and ceiling speakers are directly connected to the AVR
To be published on 07/06
To be published on 14/06
DISCLAIMER : The above information is only meant to provide useful and helpful insights on the subject discussed and in no way meant to challange existing practicies, beliefs, products and processes.